Noah's Ark
Tell the story of Noah's Ark with this simple fruit bowl activity, delightfully refreshing
on a hot summer afternoon.
What you need ...
Food Products:
1 honeydew melon
2 cantaloupe slices *
2 pineapple slices*
2 watermelon slices*
1c blueberries
3 pretzel logs
Mini-chocolate chips
2 tablespoons of your favorite jam
Optional: peanut butter or Nutella
Note: To easily cut the animals, make sure the fruit slices are approximately equal in height to the cookie cutters. If you choose to use apple and pear slices for your animals, brush the slices with lemon juice to avoid browning.
1 sharp kitchen knife
sturdy metal fork
melon baller
small animal cookie cutters
Let's do it ...
Note: Steps requiring cutting with a sharp knife and the scoring the ark's sides are adult tasks.
Do ahead tip: Cut fruit slices and ark bowl ahead. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use.
Making the ark
Wash and dry the melon
Cut off the top 1/3rd of the melon. Remove this piece and set aside for the animals.
Place melon cut side down.
Place fork tines into melon rind and score the melon as shown.
Cut a thin slice off the top, so the melon will sit flat when turned right side up.
On the melon's bottom edge, cut a rectangular opening 3" long x 1" high. This opening will support
the pretzel logs used for the gang plank.
Turn the ark upright. Scoop out the seeds. Scoop out melon balls and place in a mixing bowl.
Cut the animals. Add mini-chocolate chips for the eyes; by pressing the pointed tip into the fruit.
Optional: Use a zip seal bag to pipe squiggly lines of peanut butter or Nutella for the horse's mane.
Add blueberries and the jam to the melon balls, and gently toss together.
Place mixed fruit into the ark. Add pretzel logs for the gang plank, as shown.
Arrange pairs of animals in and around the ark.